I started a new Master Health Coach certification course in January, one that will allow me to sit for a board certified exam after completion of the 8-month, non-self paced class. As most of you know, I am already a certified health coach. So, when they told me upon sign-up that it would be roughly 10-12 hours a week of coursework, reading, and class attending… I (very arrogantly) didn’t believe them. And… I have been very humbled. Yep, 10-12 hours per week, even for know-it-alls. 😉 

Today’s message is not a lesson in humility, but with me, every single week could be. I like to share moments in which I am humbled since I want you to know that I feel grateful to reach you with my words, and I am just as fallible as anyone. 

Back to the point of this not-so-easy, breezy certification. I was required to take a 6-week pre-course area of focus, and I easily chose adults and seniors. Most of the athletes I work with are nearing middle age. And, everyone, God-willing, will someday get older. While I was picturing white-haired people with walkers when we launched into the coursework, I quickly realized that this information was not only for my grandparents… or my parents. It is pertinent to my husband. To my friends. 

To ME. Boom. Yet another humbling moment. I am nearing my second half of life, what our lead educator in my class, Dr. William Sears, calls, “prime time.” 

Okay, before you get all know-it-all on me (even if I deserve it), I completely believe and understand that we don’t know when our time on earth will be up. No one can exactly define what your “second half of life” was… until you die. 

Also, I think our prime time is truly the moment we are in. But, I love how Dr. Sears flips the US cultural script on aging—life does not have to automatically take on a slow decline in meaning or significance after youth wears off. And, you also don’t have to accept that your body and mind will automatically deteriorate fast when you hit what our world calls “old.” In fact, if you take care of your physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual health, you can increase your not only your life span, but your health span, or your amount of healthy years of your life. 

No matter your age, right now can be your prime time.  

While I cannot deny the fact that our body naturally ages over time, you have more control over the process than you might think. For many of us, a lot of damage has already been done. But, the good news is that we don’t need to be considered a lost cause. For most of us, there are still things we can do to increase our health span. 

Hope you are intrigued, because this is a kick-off of a series on increasing your health span. As modern medical advances keep us alive longer and longer, it is vital to understand how you can do your part in investing in your health. 

Here for the endurance sports content? Don’t worry— I won’t step away from that lens. Aging well means being able to do the things you want to do for as long as you want to do them. For me, and the athletes I coach, that is participating in sport(s) of choice. 

Does middle age feel like it is a million years away? I highly suggest you still read the series. You can start putting deposits in your account now. The earlier you create healthy habits, the longer your health span will likely be. And, trust me when I tell you–it really does go by fast.

I am really excited for this informative and positive series. Each of you are different, and I have never subscribed to being militant about right vs. wrong when it comes to health. My hope is that you will be able to make educated choices, and feel empowered to believe that age is just a number. 

Taking your experience, wisdom, acceptance, and awareness into prime time

It’s worth it. 



Curious about Dr. Sears? Check out Prime Time Heath by William Sears, MD